Merchant Insights now Displaying ‘Active Subscribers’

active subscribers ongoing

Written by Adriana Pope

November 3, 2021

Now merchants can see the amount of active subscribers they have (at a glance) on their Ongoing Subscriptions dashboard.

It’s reporting like this that helps you understand how many active subscribers you have at any given time.

The reason it’s important to know how many active subscribers you have on your Shopify store, is so you can compare it against historical data.

You want to keep your finger on the pulse and know your numbers.

You’ll want to know how many you had last month, vs. how many you have this month.

Ongoing is currently collecting historical data so we can show you further insights about your customers and show how you compare against your last months’ performance.

This will help you see quickly, at a glance, if you’ve grown or have lost subscribers.

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