Latest Enhancements to Ongoing™️ Product Bundling for Shopify

product bundle shopify by ongoing

Written by Adriana Pope

December 16, 2023

This week, we’re excited to share some significant upgrades to our Ongoing™️ Product Bundling a cornerstone for Shopify merchants looking to enhance their subscription offerings.

Our recent improvements focus on elevating the customer experience and boosting conversion rates, ensuring that our Shopify merchants can offer even more value to their subscribers.

And last but not least, our latest improvements reflect our “mobile first” approach – making shopping on a phone a breeze for your customers and capturing more payments for you.

What’s New in Ongoing™️ Product Bundling?

  1. Enhanced Mobile Shopping Experience: Understanding the importance of mobile commerce, we’ve revamped the mobile interface. This ensures a seamless and intuitive shopping experience, crucial for capturing the growing segment of mobile shoppers. The bundler sizes down to all tablet sizes and phone sizes, so it works beautifully on all mobile devices.
  2. Clearer Product Quantity Tracking: Customers can now easily see how many of each item they’ve selected. This clarity enhances user experience, reducing confusion and cart abandonment. Displaying the quantity in a little bubble allows the customer to know exactly how many of an individual item they have in their cart.
  3. Optimized Progress Bar: We’ve moved the progress bar to the bottom of the screen, making it more accessible and intuitive. This small change makes a big difference in guiding customers through their shopping journey.
  4. Universal Screen Compatibility: Our design now automatically adjusts to fit any screen type, ensuring a consistent and beautiful experience across all devices.
  5. Endless Scrolling Feature: This addition allows customers to explore more products without the interruption of manual page changes, enhancing the exploratory aspect of shopping.
  6. Auto-Load More Products: As customers scroll, more products will load automatically. This feature encourages deeper engagement and exploration of your product range. Seeing more products for a customer could make the difference of them seeing something they like and adding it to the cart.
  7. Optimized Desktop Design: Our revamped desktop interface ensures a perfect fit on any screen size, eliminating the need for zooming in and out. It displays product images in stunning detail, while also allowing a quick-glance view of multiple products, encouraging users to scroll and explore more.

The Benefits: Boosting Conversion and Value

These updates aren’t just cosmetic; they’re strategic enhancements designed to impact your bottom line positively.

  • Increased Conversion Rates: With a more intuitive and user-friendly design, especially on mobile, we’re already seeing a boost in conversion rates. A smoother journey from browsing to buying means more successful checkouts.
  • Higher Average Order Value: The Ongoing™️ Product Bundling feature lets customers mix and match products while enjoying a flat discount and choosing their delivery frequency. This flexibility encourages them to add more to their boxes, thereby increasing the average order value.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: From endless scrolling to improved visibility of selected items, each update is geared towards making shopping enjoyable and hassle-free. Happy customers are more likely to become repeat customers.
  • Enhanced Shopping Experience & Increased Engagement: The new desktop design not only showcases products in their best light but also improves the overall shopping experience. By displaying products clearly and attractively, customers can appreciate the details without any hassle, leading to increased engagement. This thoughtful layout encourages more prolonged browsing, which can translate into higher sales and customer satisfaction.

Stay Ahead with Weekly Updates: We're committed to constant improvement. With new updates being rolled out weekly, Shopify merchants using Ongoing Subscriptions can always stay ahead of the curve.

Ongoing™️ Product Bundles for Shopify

Embark on a seamless journey to elevate your Shopify store with Ongoing, your gateway to offering enticing product bundles.

Installation is a breeze: simply visit the Shopify App Store, search Ongoing Subscriptions and with a few clicks, integrate it into your store.

Instantly unlock the power of product bundling, designed to enhance customer experience and boost your sales.

What’s more? We’re offering a 30-day free trial, totally on us, with no strings attached.

Experience the full suite of features, including our newly enhanced Build-a-Box, without any commitment.

Ready to transform your store’s subscription service? Click here to start your free trial now and join the community of thriving Shopify merchants leveraging Ongoing for success.

Wrapping It Up

At Ongoing Subscriptions, we believe in evolving continuously to meet the needs of both our Shopify partners and their customers.

These latest improvements to the Ongoing™️ Product Bundling feature are just another step in our journey to provide the best subscription experience on Shopify.

Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, happy selling!

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